Between the Lines

Fridays 9-11 PM CDTMateus - Shirogane - Ward 9 - Plot 46Teleport Anchors Available By Request

Are you in search of a rare tome or knowledge lost to the ages? Perhaps a relic of unknown properties has come into your possession, and you wish to have it appraised and potentially sold to the highest bidder? Or maybe you desire an item of antiquity? We also offer translation and restoration services.Between the Lines is a library of rare (and not so rare) books, esoterica, and antiquities. The library is open on Friday nights (Central Time USA) or by appointment for discerning individuals who can afford the wares.And remember, not all things may be bought with gil...


Between the Lines is a library role play venue open on Friday nights from 9-11 PM Central Time (USA) or by appointment! While there are multiple branches of the library, the main branch is on Mateus. Appointments might take place at other locations.Please understand that we run on a shoestring staff; it's literally myself and a couple of others when they are available. We cannot be everywhere all at once. Yes, I am usually dual boxing the proprietor and the doorman. If you wish to interact with the latter, please send that character a tell.Between the Lines may be a largely self-guided experience for visitors, but we will do our best to interact at least minimally with every patron who steps through our doors. If you have any questions about the layout of the venue (i.e., where the various genre sections are located), please reach out to the staff, and we're happy to give you directions so you can role play accordingly.Between the Lines is also a Free Company on the Mateus server of the Crystal Data Center (North America). Interested in joining a creepy occult "library" FC run by a suspicious figure with the tag <BOOKS>? Let me know, and I'm happy to give your character an IC interview.


The Majordomo

Sokhor, as most know him, serves as Qaelemont's Majordomo, managing the Elezen's estates and affairs with a quiet, authoritative presence whenever Qaelemont is otherwise occupied. This tall, enigmatic Xaela is the senior-most member of Qaelemont's staff, with all others deferring to his judgment in the absence of their master. His age is indeterminate, though he appears to be in his thirties, yet there is something unsettling about him—particularly his eerie, thousand-malm gaze that seems to pierce through the veil of the mortal realm and into something far beyond. His presence is most often felt during the night, when he oversees the household in the hours of darkness.


The second in command among Qaelemont's staff is Naohiro, a Raen whose near-silent efficiency rivals that of Sokhor. Though he occasionally engages in conversation, it is always with measured brevity, revealing only what is essential to address a question or convey important information. While Naohiro may not exude the same unsettling aura as Sokhor, there is an unmistakable peculiarity about him that can be disconcerting. His watch is typically during the daylight hours, ensuring the smooth operation of the household under the sun's gaze.


A familiar face in the library, Deryk greets everyone with a warm smile and a cheerful wave. The ginger-haired Hyurzen, rarely seen far from Qaelemont's side, can occasionally be found tending to various parts of the estate when his master is away. In his early twenties, Deryk’s emerald eyes sparkle with youthful energy, and his smile could melt even the coldest heart. Always eager to assist, he takes pride in helping others find the perfect tome, though one should be careful what they wish for—Deryk is more than willing to escort anyone to Qaelemont for such requests.


Devin, a loyal servant and companion, is frequently seen bustling about the grounds, always eager to lend a hand. With a bright smile and an upbeat demeanor, he takes joy in assisting everyone, especially Qaelemont and Deryk. But don’t be deceived by his innocent appearance—Devin is well-versed in the arcane arts, and while he may blush easily, he’s a formidable protector of those he holds dear. A lover of romance novels, Devin enjoys spending time in the library, though his passion for helping often sees him taking on nearly every chore in the house.

The Librarians

Tea and Tentacles

Welcome to our book club—yes, it’s that kind of book club.Between the Lines presents a one-of-a-kind experience: Tea and Tentacles, hosted by Scarlett Clover. Join us on the last Friday of every month from 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM Central Time USA, just before the library opens.We showcase writers from all corners of Eorzea and beyond. Sip on Scarlett’s handpicked teas while enjoying an evening of poetry, short stories, skits, and more on our open stage. After the performances, there will be a brief Q&A session, followed by an informal "signing" of their works. (Tipping is encouraged but not required.)We can't wait to see you there!

Floor Plan

Between the Lines utilizes the Sharlayan Decimal System for the organization of its collection. The Reference Page mammet is always glad to assist patrons in finding the perfect book if they're unable to navigate the card catalogue at the center of the library by themselves.


Interested in joining the Between the Lines team? We invite you to join our Discord server, where you can get to know our community, explore the atmosphere, and discover the various roleplay opportunities available. Within the server, you'll find a staff application link, and note that an in-character interview is required for all potential employees.Please be aware that Void Hunter-type characters are generally not considered for employment. Lawfully aligned characters may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Between the Lines is managed by a villainous character and staffed by the same. It is an occult/dark/horror-themed RP community that maintains a facade of civility and normalcy. We expect all staff members to be at least 18 years old (preferably 21+) and to conduct themselves in a mature, respectful, and adult manner.


1. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this venue. While business hours are Safe For Work, there may be Mature IC themes (occult, horror, etc.) discussed during library hours pertinent to in game subjects.2. Be polite and respectful. No attacking allowed. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Disagreements are allowed, but keep them civil or take them to private channels (party, tells, etc.). While intellectual debate is allowed and encouraged, hostilities are not permitted on the premisis.3. No politics, no religion, and no conspiracy theories about real life subjects. Want to theorycraft and discuss in game politics, religion and conspiracies? Have at it. But leave real life issues at the door.4. No hate speech. This is a sex, kink, and equality positive space. Between the Lines is not an ERP venue, but we acknowledge that people are allowed, within reason, to be free to express themselves. Please no nudity or any sexual behavior which might offend non-consenting parties.5. No trolls allowed.6. Nothing underaged allowed in an NSFW form. This is to include loli and shota images/writings. Anything under 18 years old is considered underaged. The caveats to this rule are historical and factual artistic and literary references to such art and literature may be discussed (but NOT in detail) and that ageplay can be discussed as long as it is abundantly clear that the participants are consenting adults. Characters which appear to be minors are also not allowed. Lalafells are welcome to participate in the venue, but may not interact in an NSFW manner.7. No harassment will be tolerated. Treat the staff and fellow patrons with respect.8. Do NOT request money, subscription time, in game gil, items, etc. from other people here. We are all adults and should be financially responsible for ourselves in and out of game. All transactions are strictly IC RP only. Nobody will ever ask you for money or items, either in game or real life. If this occurs, please report it to a member of the staff.9. Consent is still vital, even in role play. While noncon RP scenes may take place, please be certain OOC that such a scene is welcome among all participants. Understand that no means no and if someone does not want to participate in a role play with you, respect their no and move along.10. Please treat everyone with kindness and respect. This is a safe place for roleplay and for people to have fun. IC sassiness and villainy are fine, but expect IC consequences for your character's IC actions. "It's just RP" is not an excuse to trample on people's consent, and if it is brought up in OOC that it isn't really welcome, we ask you to please respect that. This venue is a place for FUN RP. If you wish to engage in conflict RP here, you MUST seek OOC consent of the staff and all participants before doing so and, again, expect IC reactions to disruptive behavior.For any questions or concerns, please reach out to any staff member.

Kugane Night Market

03 Oct 2024 - 7:00pm CDT - Coeurl - Kugane, Rakuza District

Rumors have reached you... it's a rare opportunity. Beyond the watchful eyes of the law, a renowned dealer of rare books and antiquities is preparing to offer an exclusive selection of items for discerning collectors...


If you're looking for the more mundane literature to be found at Between the Lines, you might be sadly disappointed. Only select esoteric volumes have been brought for sale for this night. One might find what they seek, be it fame, fortune, power, or glory, but there is always a price to pay...

1. "Whispers of the Fey: Secrets of the Hidden Courts"Appearance: Verdant green leather with silver filigree, shifting nature-inspired patterns, and glowing motes of light across the surface. The pages have a plant-like shimmer and a faint floral scent.Details: This tome delves into the secretive world of the Fey Courts—both Seelie and Unseelie. It describes their hierarchical structures, the delicate balance of power between the courts, and the dangerous bargains mortals can strike with these enigmatic beings. Rituals to summon or communicate with fae creatures are outlined in detail, but readers are warned of the treacherous consequences of missteps. Additionally, the book reveals fae magic that manipulates emotions, dreams, and time, as well as rituals to bind mortals to the fae, which are strictly forbidden. However, there is the risk of drawing unwanted fae attention, entrapment, or worse, becoming a thrall to a fae lord.2. "The Mhachi Codex of Desolation" SOLDAppearance: Encased in blackened iron with flickering red glyphs. Heavy and burned along the edges, its pages seem ashen and pulse with heat.Details: This codex is an ancient record of Mhach’s darkest experiments in black magick, particularly those that focus on destruction and desolation. It details magicks designed to cause widespread devastation, using aether to summon natural disasters, plagues, and curses that could eradicate entire civilizations. The codex also contains historical records of failed experiments that led to the collapse of Mhach, along with rituals to summon forbidden entities of immense destructive power. This tome contains catastrophic spells capable of reshaping landscapes, decimating cities, and collapsing ecosystems, but the price to be paid is the caster’s own life force… or that of others… depending on how great the magick.3. "Echoes of Allag: Resurrection of the Dead"Appearance: Slim, silver-bound tome with glowing blue circuitry and a metallic cover adorned with the Allagan war machine symbol.Details: This ancient Allagan text outlines the empire's necromantic experiments in soul transference and resurrection. It provides blueprints for the complex process of preserving and reanimating souls, not through natural means, but by using Allagan technology to manipulate aether. The tome details methods to trap souls within artificial vessels and prolong life indefinitely. It also discusses failed experiments that led to horrific side effects, such as soul fragmentation and the creation of mindless undead thralls. This forbidden knowledge of necromancy through technology, unethical resurrection practices, and defiance of the natural order of life and death will certainly bring the law down upon anyone known to possess this book…4. "The Grimoire of Xande: Eternal Conquest"Appearance: Dark red leather with the embossed symbol of Xande’s empire—a crown of jagged thorns. The pages are unnervingly warm and gilded in faded gold.Details: This grimoire was once owned by Emperor Xande and documents his rituals of conquest and dominion, particularly his dealings with Voidsent. The tome describes the empire’s methods for summoning and binding Voidsent to wage war, as well as the emperor’s secret quest for eternal life through the Void. It contains devastating battle magicks and instructions for creating weapons infused with Void energy. The grimoire also hints at the rituals Xande performed to transcend mortality, although the exact rites are dangerous and incomplete. The magicks to summon Voidsent armies and dominate worlds, along with deadly battle spells and incomplete rituals to gain immortality could bring one great power… or make one a quick snack for hungry Voidsent…5. "Aetheric Manipulations: The Forgotten Art of Hemomancy" SOLDAppearance: Deep red leather with black veins running across the surface, and a gemstone pulsing like a heart in the center.Details: This tome is a study of hemomancy, the practice of manipulating aether through blood. The text teaches how to channel one’s life force or that of others to cast powerful spells, manipulating aether in ways not achievable through traditional means. Hemomancy can amplify aetheric manipulation, allowing for rapid healing, aetheric shielding, or even the destruction of enemies by attacking their aether directly. The book also explores the dangerous side effects of prolonged hemomancy, including addiction to the power and irreversible damage to the caster’s body. Blood rituals, self-destructive magicks, and unethical practices involving the life force of others are outlined within its pages… but each time such magick is used, the caster will thirst for ever more and more…6. "The Abyssal Hymns of Thal'kira"Appearance: Bound in dark blue sharkskin, slick to the touch with barnacle-like growths along the edges. The pages are thick and waterproof, with a faint scent of the sea.Details: This text hails from a lost Xaela tribe that once worshipped an ancient, abyssal god known as Thal'kira. The hymns within are dark invocations meant to draw power from the deep sea and its hidden entities. These hymns can control water, summon abyssal creatures, or bestow blessings from Thal'kira—at a cost. The tome is also filled with ominous tales of what happened to those who dared to summon the god without the proper tribute. The abyssal invocations within might grant one control over deep sea entities, yet there are the dangers of dealing with primordial, god-like forces…7. "The Sharlayan Index of Forbidden Theorems"Appearance: A simple tan leather-bound tome with the Sharlayan crest on the cover. The pages are perfectly crisp, betraying the book’s age.Details: A classified document, this index contains arcane theorems deemed too dangerous by Sharlayan scholars. These theorems include advanced spells capable of manipulating the aether on a massive scale—ranging from time manipulation to altering the very fabric of reality. The book outlines failed experiments involving temporal magic, spatial rifts, and aetheric overloading, with many theorists meeting untimely ends in pursuit of these theories. Reality-altering theorems, dangerous temporal magicks, and destructive aetheric manipulations that threaten the fabric of existence are incredibly powerful forces… too powerful for any mere mortal to wield… To say nothing of what the Sharlayn Forum would do if they knew this book was missing from the forbidden stacks of the Noumenon…8. "Frostbound Memories: Tales of the Moonkeepers" SOLDAppearance: Bound in dark gray fur with icy moons and claw marks etched into the cover. The tome is cold to the touch, even in warm environments.Details: This collection of Moonkeeper Miqo'te fables is a relic of the Age of Endless Frost, a time when the Miqo'te survived in frozen wastelands by invoking primal magicks. The tales detail the rituals used to commune with spirits, control the bitter cold, and harness the power of ancient creatures long since extinct. These stories contain hidden instructions for blood sacrifices and forbidden rites that the modern Moonkeeper tribes have since shunned. Contained within its rough pages are primal magicks tied to ancient spirits, blood sacrifices, and rituals capable of controlling harsh environments… Yet delving into these ancient secrets will draw forth the reader’s primal self…9. "Soul's Reflection: The Art of Aetheric Duplication"Appearance: Reflective silver-bound tome with no visible title, polished like a mirror. The reflection distorts when looked at, creating unsettling images.Details: This book focuses on aetheric duplication, a technique that allows one to create perfect replicas of their own soul. It explores ways to transfer the soul into different vessels or even create multiple versions of oneself, effectively granting immortality. However, the duplication process is fraught with dangers, often leading to fragmented or corrupted souls that degrade over time, eventually driving the caster to madness. The text warns of the psychological and spiritual toll such practices can take.10. "Songs of the Deep: The Aquatic Rites of Sahagin"Appearance: Bound in sea-green kelp-like material, embedded with seashells and coral fragments. The tome feels moist to the touch, and its cover etchings shift slightly when not directly observed.Details: This Sahagin text describes the rites used to commune with Leviathan and other deep-sea entities. The rituals involve blood sacrifices to the sea and the use of coral to channel aether. The book also discusses the ancient, forgotten gods that dwell in the depths of the oceans, some of which predate the Primals. These entities grant power over the seas, storms, and the ability to control aquatic creatures… but demand terrible tribute in return.


1. Aetheric Inkstones - SOLDAppearance: Smooth, obsidian-black stones with veins of glowing blue aether that pulse softly. Each one is delicately etched with faint arcane symbols in silver.Description: These inkstones, harvested from the cliffs of Coerthas and infused with ancient aetheric power, allow the user to write invisible spells. The ink produced can only be seen by those with arcane sight, making it perfect for hidden seals, secret messages, and protective wards.2. Voidglass Mirror SOLDAppearance: A small, handheld mirror encased in an ornate silver frame. The mirror itself is a dark, reflective glass that seems to shimmer with shadows.Description: Forged from Void-touched glass, this eerie mirror does not reflect one's physical appearance but instead reveals inner truths—either the user's deepest desires or their most crippling fears. It is highly prized for use in divination or self-reflection rituals.3. Nightbloom Lantern SOLDAppearance: A delicate lantern crafted from polished brass, its panels made of translucent flower petals that glow softly in moonlight. The petals are from rare night-blooming flowers that only grow in Hinganshi.Description: This lantern emits light only when the surroundings are dark. Its soft glow casts calming, dreamlike shadows that soothe the mind and help ward off nightmares. It is favored by travelers for guiding them safely through the night and by those who struggle with restless dreams.4. Aetherbound KimonoAppearance: A flowing kimono made of shimmering silk, embroidered with protective runes in silver and gold thread. The fabric shifts between colors of deep navy and violet depending on the light.Description: Enchanted with ancient Coerthan and Hingashi magicks, this kimono offers its wearer protection from minor curses and hexes. The intricate runes sewn into the fabric strengthen the wearer’s defenses against harmful magicks, making them more resistant to spells for a brief period.5. Bloodstone Amulet SOLDAppearance: A rough-cut, deep crimson gemstone set in black iron, suspended from a thick leather cord. The gem seems to pulse faintly, as though it holds life within it.Description: Made from rare bloodstones mined in the icy Coerthan mountains, this amulet enhances the wearer’s ability to manipulate blood or life force. It is particularly sought after by hemomancers and healers, as it amplifies their control over blood-based spells or healing magicks.6. Lacrima of Memory SOLDAppearance: A small, tear-shaped vial of translucent crystal filled with sparkling silver liquid that seems to swirl of its own accord.Description: When consumed, the Lacrima grants the user vivid memories of a past life, often unlocking hidden talents or knowledge from their ancestral lineage. The stardust-like liquid within shimmers, reflecting the forgotten wisdom of those who came before.7. Echoing Bellflower SOLDAppearance: A delicate, preserved flower encased within a clear crystal orb about the size of a fist. The flower’s petals are a soft lavender, and they vibrate slightly when sound is captured.Description: This magical artifact captures voices and sounds within its crystalline shell. The user can release the sounds at will, making it a favorite tool for merchants, travelers, and spies to recall important conversations or messages. The captured voices remain clear even after many moons.8. Stormborn GrimoireAppearance: A thick, weathered tome bound in dark leather, the surface cracked with age. The pages appear to be made of tanned animal hide, etched with shifting runes that glow faintly depending on the weather.Description: This ancient grimoire holds the power to summon and manipulate storms. Its incantations shift according to the weather, making it a versatile tool for those wishing to harness the elements. The grimoire is said to have been bound using the hide of a beast slain during a violent Hingashi storm.9. Soulshadow Needles SOLDAppearance: A small lacquered wooden box containing several thin, jet-black needles, each tipped with a faint silver gleam. The needles seem unnaturally cold to the touch and whisper faintly when drawn.Description: Crafted from void-forged obsidian, these fine needles are used in delicate arcane rituals or in combat to pierce not just flesh but the very soul of the target. Shadow practitioners often use them to bind or manipulate spirits, or as a last-resort weapon for self-defense.10. Whispering Charms SOLDAppearance: Small, smooth wooden charms, each carved with forgotten runes from the Age of Endless Frost. The wood is polished and warm to the touch, with a faint, pale glow around the edges of the carvings.Description: These charms contain the spirits of those who lived during the Age of Endless Frost. When worn or carried, they provide soft whispers of advice to their bearer, often offering guidance or cryptic warnings. Each charm is tied to a different spirit, making every one unique in the knowledge it can impart.


These are the most extraordinary items offered at tonight's Night Market. Rare and powerful, they cannot be obtained easily. Mastering them will demand strength, determination, and dedication. Suggested quests for role-play flavor are included.

Name: Alchemia's EssenceDescription: Alchemia's Essence is an exquisite alembic, forged from an alloy of rare metals and adorned with intricate alchemical symbols and runes that gleam with an otherworldly luminescence. Its design is both elegant and functional, with multiple chambers and conduits designed to channel and refine magical essences.Features:1. Magical Distillation: Alchemia's Essence possesses the ability to distill magical energies from various sources, including rare herbs, elemental essences, and mystical artifacts. It can extract, purify, and concentrate these energies into potent elixirs, essences, and potions imbued with specific magical properties.2. Transmutation: The alembic is capable of transmuting mundane substances into magical counterparts. Through a precise combination of alchemical processes and arcane incantations, it can transform base materials such as lead into precious metals like gold, or imbue ordinary liquids with mystical properties in small quantities.3. Aura Analysis: Alchemia's Essence has the ability to analyze the magical aura of substances and individuals. By capturing samples within its chambers and subjecting them to alchemical scrutiny, it can discern the nature, potency, and alignment of magical energies present, providing valuable insights for alchemical experimentation and spellcraft.4. Alchemy Automation: Through the infusion of enchanted mechanisms and arcane sigils, Alchemia's Essence can operate autonomously, following pre-set alchemical protocols and recipes. This automation feature allows for the continuous production of magical elixirs and potions, freeing the alchemist to focus on more complex experiments and rituals.5. Temporal Manipulation: In its most advanced configuration, Alchemia's Essence can manipulate the flow of time within its chambers. By harnessing temporal energies and channeling them through its conduits, it can accelerate or decelerate the aging process of substances, allowing for rapid maturation of potions or the preservation of delicate ingredients.6. Ethereal Conduit: As a conduit for magical energies, Alchemia's Essence serves as a focal point for rituals and spellcasting. It can amplify the effects of incantations and enchantments performed in its vicinity, drawing upon the latent energies stored within its chambers to empower magical workings and rites.Origin: Legend has it that Alchemia's Essence was crafted by a master alchemist of Allagan times, who sought to unlock the secrets of the cosmos through the synthesis of magic and science. Through years of tireless experimentation and mystical insight, the alchemist succeeded in creating this wondrous artifact, which had been thought lost to the ages...Limitations: Despite its remarkable powers, Alchemia's Essence is not without limitations. Its abilities are contingent upon the skill and knowledge of the alchemist wielding it, and misuse or mishandling of its powers can have dire consequences. Moreover, the creation of certain elixirs and potions may require rare and exotic ingredients, making them challenging to procure.Quest: Those seeking Alchemia's Essence must embark on a quest of alchemical discovery, delving into ancient texts, consulting with wise sages, and overcoming trials of intellect and intuition. Only those deemed worthy by the alchemical spirits and attuned to the subtle rhythms of magical alchemy will be granted access to its full transformative powers.----------Name: Frostreaver SOLDDescription: Frostreaver is a formidable battle-axe crafted from a rare, glacial metal found only in the deepest, most remote regions of the frozen north. Its blade is honed to a razor-sharp edge, shimmering with an icy sheen that never melts, while its haft is carved from the ancient wood of an ice-encased tree, imbued with the resilience of the tundra. Crackling with frost and resonating with the howling winds of winter, Frostreaver is as much a tool of destruction as it is a symbol of elemental power.Features:1. Glacial Fury: Frostreaver harnesses the chilling power of the frozen wastes, allowing its bearer to unleash devastating attacks imbued with icy wrath. With each swing of the axe, blasts of frost erupt, freezing enemies in their tracks and encasing them in solid ice.2. Frozen Retribution: Upon striking a foe, Frostreaver has the ability to drain their warmth and vitality, sapping their strength and leaving them vulnerable to further assaults. This draining effect can weaken even the hardiest of adversaries, turning the tide of battle in favor of its wielder.3. Blizzard's Embrace: When wielded in combat, Frostreaver can conjure swirling blizzards and icy gusts, obscuring its bearer from sight and freezing the air around them. This mystical cloak of frost grants protection against ranged attacks and enhances the axe's chilling abilities.4. Permafrost Preservation: Frostreaver's glacial metal is impervious to the passage of time and the ravages of decay. It never rusts, corrodes, or dulls, remaining as pristine and lethal as the day it was forged. This enduring quality ensures that Frostreaver is a weapon for the ages, passed down through generations as a testament to its power.5. Arctic Adaptation: Through prolonged attunement with Frostreaver, its bearer gains resistance to extreme cold and harsh weather conditions. They become one with the frozen wilderness, able to traverse icy landscapes with ease and endure the biting chill of winter without faltering.6. Winter's Blessing: Frostreaver can be imbued with additional magical properties through rituals conducted during the coldest nights of the year, under the light of the full moon. These rituals call upon the spirits of winter to infuse the axe with heightened frost magic, enhancing its potency and granting it new abilities.Origin: Frostreaver is said to have been forged by ancient ice mages in a time long forgotten, using secret techniques passed down through generations. They drew upon the essence of the frozen wastes and the wisdom of the Arctic spirits to create a weapon of unparalleled cold fury, destined to be wielded by champions of the north.Limitations: Despite its formidable powers, Frostreaver is not without limitations. Its chilling energies may be less effective against foes resistant to cold or immune to magic. Moreover, prolonged exposure to its icy aura can sap the warmth from its bearer, leading to fatigue and exhaustion in extreme conditions.Quest: Those seeking to master Frostreaver must brave the frozen wilderness, navigating treacherous glaciers, and confronting ancient guardians of the ice. They may be tested by the spirits of winter, challenged to prove their worthiness and resolve before the axe submits to its chosen champion. Only those with the strength of will and the heart of ice will be deemed worthy to wield this legendary weapon of frost.